During the pandemic, homeschool participation in the US exploded. While some argue that participation has dropped to pre-pandemic levels, preliminary data tells a different story.

At the Homeschool Hub, we compile this data from Departments of Education all over the country and give it to you in one place, so you can learn about homeschool participation in your own state. Our participation data spreadsheet contains numbers for every state that publishes participation. 

Our Homeschool Hub state summaries give you regulatory context, insight on participation data if the state issues it, and the position of homeschooling in the state’s school choice framework.

Some states are further along in tracking homeschool participation and publish disaggregated data on everything from district-level participation to participation by race and ethnicity. We will add more information to the Homeschool Hub as states make it available.

Find State Summaries

Using the Data for Insight

The data we provide could help you zero in on points like these: 

  • Pre-pandemic vs. post-pandemic participation growth rate by state
  • Top 10 states by growth in participation
  • States with the highest delta between private school and homeschool participation
  • Homeschool participation by race in Arkansas

Top 10 States for Growth Rate

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Participation by Race- AR- 2022

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Other Homeschool Research Resources

It pays to keep up with the latest research in homeschooling and be able to evaluate new analysis tools as they emerge. Here are some sites that we have found useful:

About Us

Angela Watson, Ph.D.

Senior Research Fellow, Johns Hopkins Institute for Education Policy

Interest in homeschooling is at an all time high. But hunting for dependable data was frustrating. That's why we started the Homeschool Hub.

Angela’s research examines the impact of schooling and learning, with an emphasis on homeschool and informal learning options, on academic and social emotional outcomes. She has publications in several journals, including the Journal of School Choice. Her co-authored article on homeschooling for Ed Next was the publication’s top five most read blog in 2020. And she has written book chapters on Promise programs, homeschooling, and learning pods.

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