Whether in support of students, schools, communities or populations, education is a calling. By joining the Johns Hopkins School of Education, you'll do more than pursue a rewarding career. You'll unite with other leaders in a common cause.

Founded more than 50 years ago at Johns Hopkins University, the Center for Social Organization of Schools, now part of the Johns Hopkins School of Education, concentrates its considerable research and development resources on improving low-performing schools and the education they offer their students.

The center maintains a staff of full-time sociologists, psychologists, social psychologists, and educators who conduct programmatic research to improve the education system, as well as full-time support staff engaged in developing curricula and providing technical assistance to help schools use the center's research.

Nobody Asked Me Campaign

The Nobody Asked Me Campaign centers community voices to strengthen Baltimore City Public Schools in hopes of ensuring students will receive a “thorough and efficient” education, and that they will be in safe, healthy, and healing environments where they can learn and develop the skills to thrive in Baltimore.

Explore the Campaign

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